Privacy Policy

Our services

Last Updated: 20th February 2024

Privacy Policy for Rate Quantum


At Rate Quantum, we prioritize the privacy of our users and their data. This comprehensive policy explains our approach to collecting, handling, and securing both personal and hotel-specific data to ensure transparency and trust.

1. Information We Collect

  • Personal Information: We meticulously collect user information such as names, email addresses, phone numbers, and company details to personalize and enhance service delivery. This allows for effective communication and tailored support.
  • Usage Data: Our systems automatically gather data on how users interact with our services. This includes detailed logs of IP addresses, browser types, page visits, and timestamps, helping us optimize user experience and service functionality.
  • Hotel-Specific Data: Special focus is given to collecting data on revenue management metrics, booking patterns, and financial insights from hotels. This critical data is gathered with the utmost confidentiality and is pivotal for offering customized revenue management solutions.

2. How We Use Your Information

Our use of collected information spans several key areas:

  • Service Provision and Enhancement: We leverage both personal and hotel-specific data to deliver superior services, constantly seeking ways to refine and evolve our offerings.
  • Effective Communication: Information helps us maintain open lines of communication, respond promptly to inquiries, and keep you informed about service updates or changes.
  • Data Analytics: By analyzing usage and performance data, we gain insights that drive strategic improvements, ensuring our services remain at the forefront of the industry.

3. Data Sharing and Disclosure

We have strict policies in place governing data sharing:

  • Service Providers: Collaborating with third parties is essential for operational excellence, but we ensure these partners adhere to our privacy standards.
  • Legal Obligations: When legally required, we may disclose information but always within the bounds of the law.
  • Business Transitions: Should Rate Quantum undergo any form of business change, such as mergers or acquisitions, we commit to transparency and safeguarding your data throughout the process.

4. Data Protection

Our commitment to data protection is unwavering. We implement state-of-the-art security measures to guard against unauthorized access and misuse, ensuring your data remains secure with us.

5. Cookies and Tracking

To enhance user interaction and gather vital analytics, we employ cookies and tracking technologies, providing users with the ability to manage their preferences.

6. User Rights

We empower our users with rights over their data, including access, correction, and deletion, underscoring our belief in data ownership and privacy.

7. Children’s Privacy

Protecting children’s privacy is paramount. Our services do not target, nor do we knowingly collect data from, children under 13.

8. Policy Updates

Our Privacy Policy is a living document, subject to updates that reflect our evolving practices and the changing landscape, always accessible on our website.

9. Contact Us

For any privacy concerns or inquiries, our dedicated team is available to ensure your peace of mind and address any questions.

10. Intellectual Property

Respect for intellectual property is foundational to our operations. Users must refrain from unauthorized use of any content featured on our services, in line with existing laws.

By engaging with Rate Quantum’s services, you acknowledge and consent to the practices outlined in this policy, designed to uphold the highest standards of privacy and data protection.

11. Data Consolidation and Analytics

We reserve the right to consolidate data from multiple hotels in an anonymized manner. This process is designed to enhance our reporting, analytics, and comparative insights, enabling users to gain a broader understanding of market trends and performance benchmarks. All consolidated data will be stripped of any identifiers to ensure confidentiality and privacy, aligning with our commitment to safeguarding our clients’ information.